Sunday, July 22, 2012

Reorganization: One of my favorite words!

This weekend, it was rainy and yucky and kind of chilly (nice break from the heat these last couple of weeks).  So I took full advantage of the inclement weather and decided to


I love to do it and it comes naturally to me!

I started with the kitchen and moved some stuff around; my craft corner, the table and the mess under the sink got revamped.

The living room was easy because there isn't much there.  But right now there is a heap of stuff that needs donated and thrown out.  Kind of excited about junk piles!

My pride and joy is my hall closet!  I totally cleaned it out, moved some stuff to other closets and even threw a bunch of stuff out.  Here are some before shots:

Pretty bad, huh?  That's what a messy loving husband and two dogs will do to your closet.
If you remember in a previous post, I said I was thinking about some storage bins and trying to decide what to use.  Well, Target's dollar section came to the rescue!  I got these cuties for $2.50 a piece and did my own little bit of hocus pocus on them to fit my decor.  I love them and they are the perfect fit for my shelves.  

I am still working on covering up my other bins and debating whether or not to spend the $29.99 on the amazing wire basket at Marshall's for my hair dryer/irons.  The cardboard box would go up in flames after one hair-do!

Those towels are not purple...yuk...they are brown; but my phone is stupid and takes really bad pictures.

The left side of the closet is waiting for a privacy curtain to go up.  Just need to find the right fabric/curtain!

How do you like?  Do you randomly reorganize too?  What kind of weekend mischief did you get into?


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